Planful vs. Cube: Cracking the Top FP&A Platforms for Today’s Expert

Planful vs. Cube

Planful and Cube both shine as the top platform for Financial Planning and Analysis. Each, with its robust capabilities, reflects a deep understanding of industry demands. While they’re both packed with features, they have their unique spins that cater to different needs.

In this comparison of Planful vs. Cube, we’ll break down the key aspects of each platform, offering insights for FP&A professionals looking to choose the one that aligns best with their objectives.

Understanding the Contenders: Planful vs Cube Defined

Two names frequently surface in professional circles: Planful and Cube. Before delving into the intricacies of their features and benefits, it’s essential to establish a foundational understanding of what each platform brings to the table.

Planful: The Definition

Once known as Host Analytics, Planful has carved a niche for itself in the cloud-based enterprise performance management (EPM) space. Not just a tool, but a comprehensive solution, it marries together the essentials of financial planning, consolidation, reporting, and analytics. The emphasis? Streamlined processes and rapid decision-making. 

For those in the CFO’s office aiming to optimize business-wide planning or enhance visual analytics, Planful becomes an indispensable ally. The platform’s adaptability ensures that the journey from planning to reporting remains cohesive, delivering insights that drive accurate, forward-looking strategies.

Cube: The Definition

When it comes to blending the familiarity of spreadsheets with the power of cloud computing, Cube stands out. It’s not just about numbers but the stories they tell. Cube offers FP&A teams instant access to both financial and operational data, trimming down the time required for strategic planning and reporting. It’s designed to gather diverse data points into a singular, cohesive platform, promoting team collaboration and in-depth analysis

The beauty of Cube lies in its duality: it’s as user-friendly as a spreadsheet while providing the stability and scope of specialized performance software. This ensures that teams can transition with ease, without facing a steep learning curve.

Contrasting Planful and Cube: Where They Diverge

While both Planful and Cube present compelling arguments, discerning professionals know that each tool’s subtle distinctions can dramatically impact daily workflows. Here’s a concise look at where they diverge:

  1. Integration Capabilities: Planful shines with its robust set of native integrations, a testament to its longevity and adaptability in the financial space. On the flip side, Cube focuses on flexibility. While it might not have the same native breadth, its custom integration strengths using APIs mean it can adapt to pull data from a varied range of sources.
  2. Interface: Cube’s nod to Excel-like familiarity is evident in its interface, making the onboarding process a breeze for many finance professionals. Planful, anchored in its EPM roots, offers a more comprehensive interface. It’s thorough but may require a tad more time to master for those new to EPM systems.
  3. Customization: Planful goes the extra mile for businesses with specific reporting needs, offering nuanced customization for reports and dashboards. Cube stands out with its modeling prowess but can be a touch restrictive when it comes to intricate report crafting.
  4. Pricing Model: Financial strategy often boils down to numbers, and pricing is no exception. Planful operates on a subscription model, adjusting costs based on feature utilization. Cube keeps it transparent with pricing based on user counts and implementation size, making budgetary considerations straightforward.

Selecting between Planful and Cube? Dive into these differences, align them with your organization’s needs, and make an informed choice.

Shared Strengths: What Planful and Cube Have in Common

Planful and Cube have their distinctions, but they share core strengths that position them as leaders in the field. Let’s walk through these shared attributes:

Cloud-Based Platforms

It’s hard to imagine today’s finance world without the convenience and efficiency of cloud computing. Both Planful and Cube harness the power of the cloud. This isn’t just about remote access or ubiquitous availability. It’s about ensuring teams can collaborate in real-time, pull in fresh data for timely decisions, and trust in the heightened security protocols the cloud often brings. 

Remember, in FP&A, time is often of the essence, and cloud integration ensures your data and tools are always on hand.

FP&A Functionality

At their heart, both platforms are crafted with FP&A excellence in mind. They aren’t just tools; they are solutions. They empower finance professionals with the capabilities needed for intricate budgeting, precise forecasting, detailed modeling, and insightful reporting. 

Given the centrality of these functions in shaping an organization’s financial future, the focus of both platforms on these areas underscores their commitment to FP&A excellence.


Businesses are not static entities. They grow, evolve, and sometimes pivot entirely. Recognizing this dynamic nature, both Planful and Cube champion scalability. Their designs aren’t just for today but also for the future. 

Whether you’re a startup anticipating rapid growth or an established entity looking to refine processes, these platforms adapt. They mold to the needs, ensuring that as your company charts new territories, your FP&A tools remain consistent allies.

In nature, while Planful and Cube have their unique propositions, they’re anchored in common values. For FP&A professionals, these shared traits signify reliability and a commitment to financial excellence. As you evaluate these platforms, it’s these similarities that can offer a reassuring baseline, no matter which direction your final decision sways.

Target Audience and Best Fit: Planful vs. Cube

Not all FP&A solutions are crafted for every audience. Understanding the primary user base for each platform can pave the way for better-informed decisions. Let’s dissect who stands to benefit the most from these two industry titans:


  • Large-Scale Entities: Given Planful’s robust feature set, it’s no surprise that multinational corporations and sizable enterprises find it a perfect fit. These organizations often wrestle with complicated financial terrains that demand sophisticated tools.
  • Demand for Depth: Organizations that require a drill-down approach to their financial metrics lean towards Planful. Its prowess in financial consolidation coupled with fine reporting guarantees they’re never in the dark about its financial health.
  • Integration Needs: Larger entities often operate with a gamut of other tools, and Planful’s compatibility with varied software landscapes is a noted advantage.


  • Mid-tier Businesses: Cube has found its sweet spot among growing businesses that aren’t colossal but are beyond being labeled startups. Its agility and straightforwardness make it a favorite.
  • Transitioning Teams: Businesses pivoting from traditional Excel-centric workflows to a more automated solution find a friend in Cube. Its familiar interface ensures the transition feels less like a leap and more like a step.
  • Rapid Deployment: For organizations that value time and need a swift solution rollout, Cube promises quick integrations, reducing the typical lag seen in software transitions.

Delving Deeper: Core Features of Planful and Cube

When we peel back the layers, the strength of any FP&A tool lies in its features. It’s these offerings that determine how seamlessly it’ll integrate into your workflow and how efficiently it’ll help you achieve your objectives. Let’s get straight to the heart of what Planful and Cube bring to your finance table.

Planful’s Powerhouse Offerings

  • Holistic Financial Planning: Streamline and structure your financial future with targeted planning tools.
  • Time Efficiency: With financial close management and automated processes, say goodbye to manual delays.
  • Reporting & Insights: Whether it’s management reporting, cash forecasting, or rolling forecasts, Planful ensures you’re not just informed but also insightful.
  • Versatility in Scenarios: From dynamic to structured, workforce to scenario, Planful equips you to navigate varying planning landscapes with finesse.
  • Global Finance? No Problem: Navigate multi-regional finances with ease, thanks to features like currency conversion and financial consolidation.

Cube’s Toolbox of Triumphs

  • Integration Excellence: With native integrations for both Excel and Google Sheets, plus endless others, Cube promises seamless data harmony.
  • Dashboard Your Way: Tailor-fit your visual insights with customizable dashboards, ensuring clarity aligns with your unique needs.
  • Multi-Currency, Multi-Scenario: Whether you’re juggling different currencies or scenarios, Cube’s got you covered.
  • Control & Clarity: User-based controls ensure data integrity, while centralized formulas bring uniformity to your KPIs. And if ever in doubt, the drill down and audit trail functionalities bring clarity in just a few clicks.

Decoding the Best: Planful vs. Cube

When it comes to FP&A, there’s no one-size-fits-all. Planful and Cube, with their unique offerings, are a testament to this. Both platforms are designed to drive efficiency, but they cater to different facets of the financial spectrum.

Planful is for the big players, the ones navigating vast financial terrains. It’s for those who need to dive deep into data, streamline their analytics, and make informed strategies for multinational landscapes.

On the other hand, Cube is all about agility and familiarity. It’s tailored for businesses that are on the move, growing and evolving. It offers the comfort of familiar tools like spreadsheets but supercharges them with the power of cloud computing.

But here’s the catch: both tools champion the modern FP&A ideals – the power of cloud computing, real-time collaboration, and scalability. It’s these common threads that assure their commitment to financial excellence.

So, as you weigh your options between Planful and Cube, think beyond just features. Consider the nuances, the subtleties that resonate with your team’s rhythm. Whether it’s the comprehensive depth of Planful or the swift agility of Cube, the right platform will feel like a seamless extension of your financial team. The goal? To make every financial move a masterstroke.

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